How to Write When You Hate Writing: One Writer’s Experience

My name is Jason. I’m a writer. I write fantasy and am the lead writer and editor for Kindlepreneur. I have several websites where I write articles all the time.

And I don’t really like writing.

That’s right. This man who identifies as a writer…doesn’t like writing.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it. I just find it unpleasant. At one point in my career I found it so hard to write that my wife literally asked me, in all love and caring, if this was a sign that I shouldn’t be a writer.

I gave that serious thought. For years I had wanted to be a writer. I wanted to create stories and websites that educated, entertained and inspired.

But getting there was SO HARD for me.

I would hear from friends and professionals who talk about how writing was their escape, how they just loved sitting down and putting words on the page. 

Me, I dreaded this experience.

Occasionally, I would get into flow and find myself creatively excited, but even then I found it incredibly draining. It would leave me with little energy to do anything else.

I eventually came to the realization that what I wanted was to have written instead of actually writing.

As I learned to cope with this, I realized that I couldn’t possibly be the only one like this.

This article is for all of you.

Why Would Someone Who Hates Writing Want to Be a Writer?

Let’s start with the big question. Why would anyone who hates writing think that being a writer is a suitable profession?

I have dealt with this question for some years now, sincerely cross-examining myself to make sure that I’m doing what I really want.

What I’ve found is that yes, I do want to be a writer. I want to tell stories, I want to make a living by creating things that people want to read.

But it took me a while to get to that realization, and to generate the mindset needed to be successful as a writer, when I have this seeming disadvantage when compared to other writers who absolutely love what they do.

So let’s start with a brief definition of what I’m talking about when I say I don’t like writing.

What I Mean By “Writing”

When I say I don’t like writing, what I mean is the act of putting the words on the page, of getting that first draft down.

What I’ve found is that I actually love every other part of the process. Because writing as a whole is not just putting down words, it’s so much more than that.

I love outlining, coming up with story ideas, I love developing characters and worldbuilding.

I used to think I hated editing as well, but I realized that this was because I just didn’t like revisiting the manuscripts I spent so much time writing. It was a reminder of the part I didn’t like, writing the actual words. When I edit other people’s work, I actually enjoy that quite a bit.

So I do enjoy editing as well. I even enjoy the business and marketing aspects of writing. In fact, the only part of writing that I don’t like…is the actual writing.

When my wife asked me if my difficulties in writing were a sign that I shouldn’t be a writer, it took me a while to figure out my answer, but once I realized that it was just one small part of the process that I disliked, that helped.

In any profession, there will be parts of the job that we don’t like, and we’re all going to have to deal with that.

This is a sad fact of life, no matter how much we want to focus on the things that we’re best at and love most, there are going to be unpleasant parts, and we’ll need to deal with those somehow.

But there are ways to make it easier, and that’s the main focus of this article.

How to Deal With Writing Resentment Syndrome?

For writers who hate writing like me, but still want to be writers for other reasons, I’ve developed a few techniques that have been huge coping mechanisms for me.

Tip #1: Steady Habits Win the Race

First and foremost, focus on building habits and setting small, achievable goals. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re facing a massive writing project, but by breaking it down into smaller chunks and setting specific, achievable goals for each writing session, you can make progress without feeling like you’re climbing a never-ending mountain.

This is what I did first, and it has been a huge help for me.

And let’s be real, sometimes the reason we hate writing is because we just don’t have enough practice. 

So, it’s important to develop good writing habits that make the process feel more natural and enjoyable. For me, that means setting aside a specific time each day for writing, and finding a quiet, distraction-free place to work. 

By creating a consistent writing environment, I can get into the flow and feel more motivated to work on my projects.

So, if you’re feeling burnt out and resentful towards writing, try focusing on building habits and setting small, achievable goals. 

And remember, it’s totally normal to have ups and downs when it comes to writing. Be kind to yourself and take breaks when you need them. 

Tip #2: Use Proper Self-Care

Self care is an important aspect of being a writer, and it can make all the difference when it comes to enjoying the process and avoiding burnout. 

Sometimes, writers may think they hate writing because they’re not taking care of themselves well enough. 

So here are a few universal self care tips that writers can use:

  • Exercise regularly: Exercise can help boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and reduce stress. Even just a short walk or a few minutes of stretching can make a big difference.
  • Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet can help you feel more energized and focused. Try to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit your intake of sugary and processed foods.
  • Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for good physical and mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to help you feel rested and refreshed.
  • Take breaks: It’s important to take breaks and give yourself time to recharge. Try setting a timer for a certain amount of time and then taking a break when it goes off. This can help prevent burnout and keep you fresh.
  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you relax and reduce stress. Try taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and be present in the moment.

By taking care of yourself, you can improve your writing experience and avoid burnout. So, don’t forget to prioritize self care as a writer! It can make all the difference in how much you enjoy the process.

Tip #3: Find the Right Motivations

Let me ask you something: why do you write? Is it to make money? Is it to put out a ton of books? Or is it to improve as a writer? 

Your motivations as a writer can make all the difference in how much you enjoy the process and how successful you are.

If you’re writing solely for the purpose of making money or increasing your output, it can be easy to become discouraged if things don’t go as planned.

 But if you focus on your own development as a writer, every time you write, you are getting better. And every day you write is a success, even if you only write a few hundred words.

By focusing on your own development as a writer, you can stay motivated and enjoy the process, even when you’re not feeling your best. 

So, don’t worry about how much money you’re making or how many books you’re putting out. Instead, focus on improving as a writer and growing as a person. 

That way, every time you sit down to write, you can feel proud of the progress you’re making.

I can tell you from personal experience, this is what made the difference for me. I began focusing on the right things, and the writing process became easier.

Tip #4: Try Dictation

When I first realized that I didn’t really enjoy the writing process, I realized that I had to find a way to make the writing process easier, and to be able to write more in less time.

This became my #1 focus for a while: learning to simplify the writing process.

One tool that has been a game-changer for me is dictation software. If you’re not a fan of typing, dictation can be a great way to get your ideas down on the page without having to spend hours at the keyboard. And of all the dictation tools out there, Dragon Dictation is by far the best.

With Dragon Dictation, you can simply speak your ideas into a microphone and watch as they are transcribed into text on your computer or phone. It’s fast, accurate, and easy to use. 

Plus, it can help reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries that can result from typing for long periods of time.

While dictation can be a great tool for simplifying the writing process, it’s not for everyone. Some people find it jarring to speak their ideas into a microphone and then have to go back and edit the transcription. 

But like any skill, dictation takes practice to get used to.

For example, it took me a few thousand words to get used to speaking the punctuation out loud as I dictated my writing. At first, it felt awkward and unnatural. But after a while, it became second nature, and now I barely have to think about it.

So, if you’re considering trying dictation but aren’t sure if it’s for you, I would recommend giving it a chance. Write at least a full book using dictation before you decide it’s not for you. You might be surprised at how quickly you get the hang of it and how much it can simplify the writing process. 

And if you’re still not a fan after giving it a try, that’s okay too. The most important thing is to find what works best for you and your writing process.

Tip #5: Work With a Co-Writer or Ghostwriters

If you’re like me, you enjoy designing stories and, in a perfect world, you would find co-writers or ghostwriters to write most of them, rather than have to write it all yourself.

If that’s you, then you probably have Writing Resentment Syndrome.

Writing with a co-writer or ghostwriter can be a great way to divide up the work and make the process more enjoyable. By partnering with someone who has complementary skills and interests, you can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can make the writing process more fun and rewarding.

Tip #6: Try AI Writing

One tool that has become increasingly popular among writers is artificial intelligence (AI) assistance. In fact, much of the first draft of this article was written with AI assistance. 

But there’s a lot of misinformation out there about AI, which is why I actually recommend you try it out before passing judgment. 

In reality, AI is just a tool to help you get the first draft down faster. You’re still the writer, guiding the process.

Using AI to assist with writing is a lot like working with a ghostwriter, but one that requires a little more micromanagement and delivers results instantaneously. 

Discovering AI writing assistance was a game-changer for me, especially after ChatGPT was released. With ChatGPT, I was finally able to produce writing that met my personal standards, and it has allowed me to write the things I’ve wanted to write for years much faster than even dictation has allowed. 

And it’s only going to get better.

AI writing assistance is not a replacement for human writers, but it can be a useful tool to help you get your ideas down on the page faster and with less effort. Whether you’re struggling with writer’s block, procrastination, or just feeling burnt out, AI can help you overcome those challenges and get back to enjoying the writing process.

So, if you’re interested in using AI to assist with your writing, don’t be afraid to give it a try. Just remember that you’re still the writer, guiding the process, and that it’s important to edit and revise the text to make it your own. With AI assistance, you can write the things you’ve always wanted to write, faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Now there are certainly going to be people who hate AI writing, who perfer the magic of writing down the words themselves. But those authors are not who I’m writing to in this article.

Remember, I’m writing to writers who hate actually putting the words on the page.

We exist, and AI writing is one of the best ways to focus on the outlining/editing, while reducing the friction of the word-putting-downing.

My Personal Process

I realize that I’m speaking to a very limited subsection of writers with this article. That’s fine, I didn’t write this for the masses. For most writers, none of this applies.

However, if you’re like me, you’re an idea person. You like crafting stories, not writing them. If that’s the case, maybe my personal process will be helpful for you.

So here’s what I do.

First of all, I deal with the idea that I will have to learn to be a good writer if I want to have written all the things I want. So I focus on writing to improve my own skill, and not on making money or anything like that.

And this is important: even if you hate writing, you must write at least a little bit to get better as a writer.

That’s why, even if AI becomes skilled enough to do all the legwork for me, I will never stop doing at least a little writing myself. Because that is the only way that I will improve, and will know when the AI is producing good writing.

I recommend starting with very small habits, maybe just 15 minutes a day, at a specific time of day, then building up from there. Reduce the friction as much as possible until you have solid habits.

Next, find tools that will make the writing process easier. For me, I do a combination of dictation and AI writing. Both make the writing a lot faster, and I can get those first drafts down in record time, so I can focus more on the parts I love: outlining and editing the first drafts.

I have far too many books that I want to write, story ideas I want to flesh out, and websites I want to create. 

At some point, I hope to make enough by my writing where I can work with more ghostwriters and co-writers to help with that. But in the meantime, I will continue improving my skills bit by bit, and using AI and dictation to get those first drafts done.

I hope this helps any writers who are like me, because this is exactly the type of article I wish I had back when I questioned whether I should be a writer or not.

If you want to be a writer, even if you don’t like writing the first draft, YOU CAN STILL BE A WRITER. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

1 thought on “How to Write When You Hate Writing: One Writer’s Experience”

  1. I too would like the ideas in my head magically appear on paper so I can get on with fun things like editing…

    I don’t quite hate writing though. I find if I get into the zone it can be an experience. The energy barrier to getting there is high. I do need to try to get back into a consistent habit. I only write shorter fiction, I mean, how hard can it be?

    I am currently editing a collection of writing I inherited. I am most interested in AI that could help me write in the original author’s voice, or at least sanity check my own attempts.


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