
As an additional resource, here is a list of all the tools I use for writing (AI and Non-AI). Note that some (not all) of these links are affiliate links, but as always I only recommend tools I personally use, and it costs you nothing extra. Plus, it helps to support my daughter’s diaper fund.

AI Tools I Use


I believe Sudowrite is hands-down the best fiction writing AI on the market right now. I love the Story Engine feature which walks you through creating outlines, characters, and drafts. The Rewrite tool is great for improving description and showing versus telling. Features like Twist and the brainstorming tools help me get unstuck whenever I have writer’s block. After using Sudowrite extensively, I can confidently recommend it as one of the top AI tool for writing fiction books and stories. It has helped me immensely in drafting and revising my latest novel.

Get it here:


I found Claude to be an exceptional AI writing assistant that rivals ChatGPT in generating natural-sounding long-form content. While Claude tends to veer off track more than ChatGPT, its huge context window, ability to reference documents, and more conversational tone result in remarkably human-like writing. I’ve had great success using Claude at every step of the writing process, especially in generating the final prose.

Get it here:


I found ChatGPT to be uniquely suited for certain types of writing, especially nonfiction and steps of the process requiring structure. Its precision in following prompts, ability to structure outputs, and features like Custom Instructions and Code Interpreter result in highly accurate and customizable results.

Get it here:


Midjourney is my go-to choice for AI Art. While it’s not the only tool out there (Leonardo.AI is also worth a look), Midjourney is still, I believe, the best tool out there authors who want to use AI art. It consistently produces the best-quality images with the least amount of skill required for prompt engineering, and it’s what I use for interior artwork for my books, concept art, my YouTube thumbnails, and even the occasional book cover.

Get it here:


ElevenLabs is currently the industry leader in AI-generated audio. While not super cheap, the voices are often so real that many readers can’t tell a difference, and it’s still a lot cheaper than hiring an audiobook narrator. If you can’t afford a narrator, I’d recommend checking ElevenLabs out.

Get it here:


ProWritingAid is a different kind of AI program, focusing specifically on proofreading. The grammar checker catches errors, while tools like Word Explorer and Rephrase help me improve my writing style and sentence flow. The breadth of writing reports surpasses competitors, pinpointing issues from pacing to dialogue tags. While not a substitute for a human editor, ProWritingAid has become an indispensable aid for improving my writing and catching technical errors. For long-form writers on a budget, it handily beats Grammarly and similar software.

Get it here:

Non-AI Tools I Use


Atticus offers professional book formatting capabilities for a fraction of competitors’ costs. It’s way better than other alternatives: cheaper, and available on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook). Atticus has a lot of great features, including creating beautiful themes or choosing premade ones, effortlessly exporting ebooks and print books, and leveraging handy writing tools like spellcheck and word count tracking. And it’s still being updated to become the ultimate all-in-one platform for writers. I use this for every single one of my books.

Get it here:

Publisher Rocket

Publisher Rocket is a tool to do book market research, and to find the best keywords and categories for your book. Its keyword and competition analysis tools help authors optimize book discovery, while its category research uncovers lucrative niches and bestseller strategies. The software saves countless research hours by generating tailored keywords for ads and unveiling competitors’ sales, rankings, and tactics. Plus, like Atticus, it comes at a lifetime pricing, so I no longer have to pay for updates.

Get it here:


I was very impressed by Campfire and believe it is one of the best options for novelists who want to build out a story bible. Its standout flexible pricing model lets you pay only for the specific modules you need, from characters to maps and more. The software makes constructing your fictional world intuitive through guided article creation and relationship mapping. For authors seeking an uncomplicated way to organize and interconnect every element of their story world, Campfire is a superb choice that hand-holds you through the worldbuilding process.

Get it here:

Other Recommendations


As a lifelong learner and mythology enthusiast, I was blown away by the breadth and quality of courses on Wondrium. With over 8,000 lectures on topics from ancient history to writing fiction, it offers unparalleled access to foundational knowledge taught by top academics. I especially loved the mythology, King Arthur, and the fiction writing courses. Many authors need to take deep dives into random topics for their books, and I find Wondrium to be the perfect place to do that. Also, the How to Write Bestselling Fiction course by James Scott Bell is a must-watch.

Get it here:


Miblart is where I go to buy book covers, almost every time. They’re relatively inexpensive, especially for the quality that they provide. Plus they work in most genres, and even provided the cover for this book!

Get it here:

Future Fiction Academy

Future Fiction Academy is a paid subscription that gives you access to daily labs that are constantly exploring and keeping subscribers up to date on what AI can do. Plus, it gives you a TON of instruction if you’re just starting out and just want to learn the basics.

Get it here:

Russell Brunson’s Stuff

Russell Brunson is a personal hero of mine, and while many authors might not think his stuff is relevant for them, let me say that his information on marketing has been the backbone of my success. I model almost everything he tells me to do, in my YouTube channel, my books, my courses, etc. The best place to start learning is to read through his books, which you can get for free (+shipping and handling) at these links:

These are some of the only books that I own in all available formats (print, ebook, audiobook), because I use them in all sorts of situations, and I’m constantly reviewing them for tips to implement in my author business. I highly recommend.